Friday, June 29, 2012

Taaaadaaaa!! Big change in holidays ^^

Hmmm wat does the big change mean? Holidays are so interesting and fun when friends are around!! haha...Too much to catch up and laugh at when several of us starting to meet up and chit chat until midnite sitting around a table of mamak shop :D
Watched the movie Painted Skin 2. Honestly, it feels more like a comedy to me rather than being a love story or horror movie. Can't stop laughing at those ridiculous scenes:
1st- the funny guy who cut his eyes just because he cant stop loving the face (Dude, u nid it in order to save ur lover's body and soul!! Y U CUT UR EYES when u need them most. He ends up being an OKU and not able to fight)
But its ok, this is followed by more funny scenes
2nd- The part time 'voldemort' was bitten to bones by crows (I assumed) lead by a (soul? maybe) of birdie monster (妖) *my first response to this was WTF? LOLLLL cant stop laughing after this scene
3rd- The don't-know-how-to-form/combine-2-in-1 lady...Nowadays people and monster (as above) can combine to make a save have a healthy pumping heart and beautiful face (WOW!). C'mon, in starting u said they can trade heart for face I believe la, in the end u 2 can combine. (=.=) I know its a science fiction story but dude, tat does not follow the Law u've stated in beginning of the movie
In the end, I cant stop laughing at the movie hahhaha also add on several response from friends who trigger laughter in the cinema 
Example: part time voldemort who spoke unknown language suddenly spit mandarin out of his mouth and their responses (eh? He knows how to speak mandarin), simultaneously out of 2 of them hahhaa
Also more outings and minum sessions with these guyz make the days seem much shorter >.<
Hope we can stay like this forever with endless stuffs to share and talk abt haha
Cheers people, life is much more fun when the crazy minded friends are around = )



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