Watched the movie Painted Skin 2. Honestly, it feels more like a comedy to me rather than being a love story or horror movie. Can't stop laughing at those ridiculous scenes:
1st- the funny guy who cut his eyes just because he cant stop loving the face (Dude, u nid it in order to save ur lover's body and soul!! Y U CUT UR EYES when u need them most. He ends up being an OKU and not able to fight)
But its ok, this is followed by more funny scenes
2nd- The part time 'voldemort' was bitten to bones by crows (I assumed) lead by a (soul? maybe) of birdie monster (妖) *my first response to this was WTF? LOLLLL cant stop laughing after this scene
3rd- The don't-know-how-to-form/combine-2-in-1 lady...Nowadays people and monster (as above) can combine to make a save have a healthy pumping heart and beautiful face (WOW!). C'mon, in starting u said they can trade heart for face I believe la, in the end u 2 can combine. (=.=) I know its a science fiction story but dude, tat does not follow the Law u've stated in beginning of the movie
In the end, I cant stop laughing at the movie hahhaha also add on several response from friends who trigger laughter in the cinema
Example: part time voldemort who spoke unknown language suddenly spit mandarin out of his mouth and their responses (eh? He knows how to speak mandarin), simultaneously out of 2 of them hahhaa
Also more outings and minum sessions with these guyz make the days seem much shorter >.<
Hope we can stay like this forever with endless stuffs to share and talk abt haha
Cheers people, life is much more fun when the crazy minded friends are around = )