Tuesday, May 24, 2011


The 'Best' day starts with a boring, extra lecture without the notes....
This happened from 830am in da morning till 10am...then it continued till 11am (luckily Bio lecture ended earlier and we got to have our lunch!!!) *The lecturer gave us 'tips' on the exam questions too ^^ (Actually it shud be =.=!!, he told us things like "few questions on 1st chapter...2nd chapter...3rd chapter...) The boredom is then brought into the chem lecture. A sleepy 1, I've no idea why but it could be due to the lighting or juz the mood @.@
The mood juz went on till end of the day where tutorial class was cancelled for those who have attended last week's class :D Finally I get to go 'home'
Had a walk of 20 minutes or so with the evil wong kakak and Sebastian The Zebra, the water-phobia guy with his magnificent ultra big umbrella. I found that one main threat to pedestrian in M'sia during rainfall is the large amount of 'pools' near roadside. Those drivers who enjoy driving their baby cars juz ignore everything except things in their car, especially on straight road like the 1 from Monash to BHP petrol station. They can achieve very high speed and produce little tsunami to US!!! The water cant press u down but it is able to give u and belongings u bring along a brief bathe.

Ok those are all boring things. Colour of the day started with our journey to dinner at Taipan ^^
First, We found out there are so many food filled with 'Chinese feel' and also tasty egg tarts from Bakery's Cottage introduced by Tan Yu Chin. They are kinda hybrid of fillings from those traditional tart+ skin from the 烧包, a little salty on the skin + nice fragrance of eggs = perfect :D
The pohpiah yu chin anticipated so long had let him down....cant describe it very precisely, juz not as gud as wat we can find in our hometown.
While we're getting back, we saw hawker starting their business selling 'Chinese kuih-muih' and felt like WOW, this is thing we never thought we can see here =) *they could be new members on our breakfast menu*
Another shop we accidentally discovered is the fruit shop. Those fruit arranged in stack are simply irresistible. They are so colourful and juicy (from the looks lar...) and we bought some. The photos taken are show below with an extra photo showing the Zebra facial expressions.
Feel so guilty playing whole day haha Get back to my work 1st.


* New species of Banana?? NO!! the label is wrong haha its mango ^^
The perfect egg tarts :D
Aren't these apples look nice?? They're so beautiful =)
Latest member of my collection mentioned on the previous post: The Starbuck's Mug
Sebastian The Zebra....
*Credits for WONG KAKAK and Tan Yu Chin for being photographer and editors for those photos, Seb The Zebra for being the model :D
Colourful day!!! :D

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